Source code for SlicerWizard.Utilities

"""Helpers for interacting with |CLI| users and |VCS| tools."""

import argparse
import logging
import os
import sys
import textwrap

  import git
  _haveGit = True

except ImportError:
  _haveGit = False

__all__ = [

_yesno = {
  "y": True,
  "n": False,

_logLevel = None

class _LogWrapFormatter(logging.Formatter):
  def __init__(self):
    super(_LogWrapFormatter, self).__init__()
      self._width = int(os.environ['COLUMNS']) - 1
      self._width = 79

  def format(self, record):
    lines = super(_LogWrapFormatter, self).format(record).split("\n")
    return "\n".join([textwrap.fill(l, self._width) for l in lines])

class _LogReverseLevelFilter(logging.Filter):
  def __init__(self, levelLimit):
    self._levelLimit = levelLimit

  def filter(self, record):
    return record.levelno < self._levelLimit

def _log(func, msg):
  if sys.exc_info()[0] is not None:
    if _logLevel <= logging.DEBUG:

  if isinstance(msg, tuple):
    for m in msg:


[docs]def warn(msg): """Output a warning message (or messages), with exception if present. :param msg: Message(s) to be output. :type msg: :class:`basestring` or sequence of :class:`basestring` This function outputs the specified message(s) using :func:`logging.warning`. If ``msg`` is a sequence, each message in the sequence is output, with a call to :func:`logging.warning` made for each message. If there is a current exception, and debugging is enabled, the exception is reported prior to the other message(s) using :func:`logging.exception`. .. seealso:: :func:`.initLogging`. """ _log(logging.warning, msg) #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def die(msg, exitCode=1): """Output an error message (or messages), with exception if present. :param msg: Message(s) to be output. :type msg: :class:`basestring` or sequence of :class:`basestring` :param exitCode: Value to use as the exit code of the program. :type exitCode: :class:`int` The output behavior (including possible report of an exception) of this function is the same as :func:`.warn`, except that :func:`logging.error` is used instead of :func:`logging.warning`. After output, the program is terminated by calling :func:`sys.exit` with the specified exit code. """ _log(logging.error, msg) sys.exit(exitCode) #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def inquire(msg, choices=_yesno): """Get multiple-choice input from the user. :param msg: Text of the prompt which the user will be shown. :type msg: :class:`basestring` :param choices: Map of possible choices to their respective return values. :type choices: :class:`dict` :returns: Value of the selected choice. This function presents a question (``msg``) to the user and asks them to select an option from a list of choices, which are presented in the manner of 'git add --patch' (i.e. the possible choices are shown between the prompt text and the final '?'). The prompt is repeated indefinitely until a valid selection is made. The ``choices`` are a :class:`dict`, with each key being a possible choice (using a single letter is recommended). The value for the selected key is returned to the caller. The default ``choices`` provides a yes/no prompt with a :class:`bool` return value. """ choiceKeys = list(choices.keys()) msg = "%s %s? " % (msg, ",".join(choiceKeys)) def throw(*args): raise ValueError() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("choice", choices=choiceKeys) parser.error = throw while True: try: args = parser.parse_args(raw_input(msg)) if args.choice in choices: return choices[args.choice] except: pass #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def initLogging(logger, args): """Initialize logging. :param args.debug: If ``True``, enable debug logging. :type args.debug: :class:`bool` This sets up the default logging object, with the following characteristics: * Messages of :data:`~logging.WARNING` severity or greater will be sent to :data:`~sys.stderr`; other messages will be sent to :data:`~sys.stdout`. * The log level is set to :data:`~logging.DEBUG` if ``args.debug`` is ``True``, otherwise the log level is set to :data:`~logging.INFO`. * The log handlers will wrap their output according to the current terminal width (:envvar:`$COLUMNS`, if set, else 80). """ global _logLevel _logLevel = logging.DEBUG if args.debug else logging.INFO # Create log output formatter f = _LogWrapFormatter() # Create log output stream handlers lho = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) lho.setLevel(_logLevel) lho.addFilter(_LogReverseLevelFilter(logging.WARNING)) lho.setFormatter(f) lhe = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr) lhe.setLevel(logging.WARNING) lhe.setFormatter(f) # Set root logging level and add handlers logging.getLogger().addHandler(lho) logging.getLogger().addHandler(lhe) logging.getLogger().setLevel(_logLevel) # Turn of github debugging ghLogger = logging.getLogger("github") ghLogger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def buildProcessArgs(*args, **kwargs): """Build |CLI| arguments from Python-like arguments. :param prefix: Prefix for named options. :type prefix: :class:`basestring` :param args: Positional arguments. :type args: :class:`~collections.Sequence` :param kwargs: Named options. :type kwargs: :class:`dict` :return: Converted argument list. :rtype: :class:`list` of :class:`basestring` This function converts Python-style arguments, including named arguments, to a |CLI|-style argument list: .. code-block:: python >>> buildProcessArgs('p1', u'p2', None, 12, a=5, b=True, long_name=u'hello') ['-a', '5', '--long-name', u'hello', '-b', 'p1', u'p2', '12'] Named arguments are converted to named options by adding ``'-'`` (if the name is one letter) or ``'--'`` (otherwise), and converting any underscores (``'_'``) to hyphens (``'-'``). If the value is ``True``, the option is considered a flag that does not take a value. If the value is ``False`` or ``None``, the option is skipped. Otherwise the stringified value is added following the option argument. Positional arguments --- except for ``None``, which is skipped --- are similarly stringified and added to the argument list following named options. """ result = [] for k, v in kwargs.items(): if v is None or v is False: continue result += ["%s%s" % ("-" if len(k) == 1 else "--", k.replace("_", "-"))] if v is not True: result += ["%s" % v] return result + ["%s" % a for a in args if a is not None] #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def createEmptyRepo(path, tool=None): """Create a repository in an empty or non-existing location. :param path: Location which should contain the newly created repository. :type path: :class:`basestring` :param tool: Name of the |VCS| tool to use to create the repository (e.g. ``'git'``). If ``None``, a default tool (git) is used. :type tool: :class:`basestring` or ``None`` :raises: :exc:`~exceptions.Exception` if ``location`` exists and is not empty, or if the specified |VCS| tool is not supported. This creates a new repository using the specified ``tool`` at ``location``, first creating ``location`` (and any parents) as necessary. This function is meant to be passed as the ``create`` argument to :func:`.getRepo`. .. note:: Only ``'git'`` repositories are supported at this time. """ # Check that the requested tool is supported if not _haveGit or tool not in { None, "git" }: raise Exception("unable to create %r repository" % tool) # Create a repository at the specified location if os.path.exists(path) and len(os.listdir(path)): raise Exception("refusing to create repository in non-empty directory") os.makedirs(path) return git.Repo.init(path) #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def getRepo(path, tool=None, create=False): """Obtain a git repository for the specified path. :param path: Path to the repository. :type path: :class:`basestring` :param tool: Name of tool used to manage repository, e.g. ``'git'``. :type tool: :class:`basestring` or ``None`` :param create: See description. :type create: :class:`callable` or :class:`bool` :returns: The repository instance, or ``None`` if no such repository exists. :rtype: :class:`git.Repo <git:git.repo.base.Repo>`, :class:`.Subversion.Repository`, or ``None``. This attempts to obtain a repository for the specified ``path``. If ``tool`` is not ``None``, this will only look for a repository that is managed by the specified ``tool``; otherwise, all supported repository types will be considered. If ``create`` is callable, the specified function will be called to create the repository if one does not exist. Otherwise if ``bool(create)`` is ``True``, and ``tool`` is either ``None`` or ``'git'``, a repository is created using :meth:`git.Repo.init <git:git.repo.base.Repo.init>`. (Creation of other repository types is only supported at this time via a callable ``create``.) .. seealso:: :func:`.createEmptyRepo` """ from . import Subversion # Try to obtain git repository if _haveGit and tool in { None, "git" }: try: repo = git.Repo(path) return repo except: logging.debug("%r is not a git repository" % path) # Try to obtain subversion repository if tool in { None, "svn" }: try: repo = Subversion.Repository(path) return repo except: logging.debug("%r is not a svn repository" % path) # Specified path is not a supported / allowed repository; create a repository # if requested, otherwise return None if create: if callable(create): return create(path, tool) elif _haveGit and tool in { None, "git" }: return git.Repo.init(path) else: raise Exception("unable to create %r repository" % tool) return None #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def getRemote(repo, urls, create=None): """Get the remote matching a URL. :param repo: repository instance from which to obtain the remote. :type repo: :class:`git.Repo <git:git.repo.base.Repo>` :param urls: A URL or list of URL's of the remote to obtain. :type urls: :class:`str` or sequence of :class:`str` :param create: What to name the remote when creating it, if it doesn't exist. :type create: :class:`basestring` or ``None`` :returns: A matching or newly created :class:`git.Remote <git:git.remote.Remote>`, or ``None`` if no such remote exists. :raises: :exc:`~exceptions.Exception` if, when trying to create a remote, a remote with the specified name already exists. This attempts to find a git remote of the specified repository whose upstream URL matches (one of) ``urls``. If no such remote exists and ``create`` is not ``None``, a new remote named ``create`` will be created using the first URL of ``urls``. """ urls = list(urls) for remote in repo.remotes: if remote.url in urls: return remote if create is not None: if not isinstance(create, str): raise TypeError("name of remote to create must be a string") if hasattr(repo.remotes, create): raise Exception("cannot create remote '%s':" " a remote with that name already exists" % create) return repo.create_remote(create, urls[0]) return None #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def localRoot(repo): """Get top level local directory of a repository. :param repo: Repository instance. :type repo: :class:`git.Repo <git:git.repo.base.Repo>` or :class:`.Subversion.Repository`. :return: Absolute path to the repository local root. :rtype: :class:`basestring` :raises: :exc:`~exceptions.Exception` if the local root cannot be determined. This returns the local file system path to the top level of a repository working tree / working copy. """ if hasattr(repo, "working_tree_dir"): return repo.working_tree_dir if hasattr(repo, "wc_root"): return repo.wc_root raise Exception("unable to determine repository local root") #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def vcsPrivateDirectory(repo): """Get |VCS| private directory of a repository. :param repo: Repository instance. :type repo: :class:`git.Repo <git:git.repo.base.Repo>` or :class:`.Subversion.Repository`. :return: Absolute path to the |VCS| private directory. :rtype: :class:`basestring` :raises: :exc:`~exceptions.Exception` if the private directory cannot be determined. This returns the |VCS| private directory for a repository, e.g. the ``.git`` or ``.svn`` directory. """ if hasattr(repo, "git_dir"): return repo.git_dir if hasattr(repo, "svn_dir"): return repo.svn_dir raise Exception("unable to determine repository local private directory")