Source code for SlicerWizard.GithubHelper

"""Helpers for interacting with github."""

import git
import os
import subprocess

from github import Github
from github.GithubObject import NotSet

from urlparse import urlparse

__all__ = [

class _CredentialToken(object):
  def __init__(self, text=None, **kwargs):
    # Set attributes from named arguments
    self._keys = set(kwargs.keys())
    for k in kwargs:
      setattr(self, k, kwargs[k])

    # Set attributes from input text (i.e. 'git credential fill' output)
    if text is not None:
      for l in text.split("\n"):
        if "=" in l:
          t = l.split("=", 1)
          setattr(self, t[0], t[1])

  def __str__(self):
    # Return string representation suitable for being fed to 'git credential'
    lines = ["%s=%s" % (k, getattr(self, k)) for k in self._keys]
    return "%s\n\n" % "\n".join(lines)

def _credentials(client, request, action="fill"):
  # Set up and execute 'git credential' process, passing stringized token to
  # the process's stdin
  p = client.credential(action, as_process=True, istream=subprocess.PIPE)
  out, err = p.communicate(input=str(request))

  # Raise exception if process failed
  if p.returncode != 0:
    raise git.GitCommandError(["credential", action], p.returncode,

  # Return token parsed from the command's output
  return _CredentialToken(out)

[docs]def logIn(repo=None): """Create github session. :param repo: If not ``None``, use the git client (i.e. configuration) from the specified git repository; otherwise use a default client. :type repo: :class:`git.Repo <git:git.repo.base.Repo>` or ``None``. :returns: A logged in github session. :rtype: :class:`github.Github <github:github.MainClass.Github>`. :raises: :class:`github:github.GithubException.BadCredentialsException` if authentication fails. This obtains and returns a logged in github session using the user's credentials, as managed by `git-credentials`_; login information is obtained as necessary via the same. On success, the credentials are also saved to any store that the user has configured. .. _git-credentials: """ # Get client; use generic client if no repository client = repo.git if repo is not None else git.cmd.Git() # Request login credentials credRequest = _CredentialToken(protocol="https", host="") cred = _credentials(client, credRequest) # Log in session = Github(cred.username, cred.password) # Try to get the logged in user name; will raise an exception if # authentication failed if session.get_user().login: # Save the credentials _credentials(client, cred, action="approve") # Return github session return session #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def getRepo(session, name=None, url=None): """Get a github repository by name or URL. :param session: A github session object, e.g. as returned from :func:`.logIn`. :type session: :class:`github.Github <github:github.MainClass.Github>` or :class:`github:github.AuthenticatedUser.AuthenticatedUser` :param name: Name of the repository to look up. :type name: :class:`basestring` or ``None`` :param url: Clone URL of the repository. :type url: :class:`basestring` or ``None`` :returns: Matching repository, or ``None`` if no such repository was found. :rtype: :class:`github:github.Repository.Repository` or ``None``. This function attempts to look up a github repository by either its qualified github name (i.e. '*<owner>*/*<repository>*') or a clone URL: .. code-block:: python # Create session session = GithubHelper.logIn() # Look up repository by name repoA = GithubHelper.getRepo(session, 'octocat/Hello-World') # Look up repository by clone URL cloneUrl = '' repoB = GithubHelper.getRepo(session, cloneUrl) If both ``name`` and ``url`` are provided, only ``name`` is used. The ``url`` must have "" as the host. """ try: # Look up repository by name if name is not None: return session.get_repo(name) # Look up repository by clone URL if url is not None: # Parse URL url = urlparse(url) # Check that this is a github URL if not url.hostname.endswith(""): return None # Get repository name from clone URL name = url.path if name.startswith("/"): name = name[1:] if name.endswith(".git"): name = name[:-4] # Look up repository by name return getRepo(session, name=name) except: pass return None #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def getFork(user, upstream, create=False): """Get user's fork of the specified repository. :param user: Github user or organization which owns the requested fork. :type user: :class:`github:github.NamedUser.NamedUser`, :class:`github:github.AuthenticatedUser.AuthenticatedUser` or :class:`github:github.Organization.Organization` :param upstream: Upstream repository of the requested fork. :type upstream: :class:`github:github.Repository.Repository` :param create: If ``True``, create the forked repository if no such fork exists. :type create: :class:`bool` :return: The specified fork repository, or ``None`` if no such fork exists and ``create`` is ``False``. :rtype: :class:`github:github.Repository.Repository` or ``None``. :raises: :class:`github:github.GithubException.GithubException` if ``user`` does not have permission to create a repository. This function attempts to look up a repository owned by the specified user or organization which is a fork of the specified upstream repository, optionally creating one if it does not exist: .. code-block:: python # Create session session = GithubHelper.logIn() # Get user user = session.get_user("jdoe") # Get upstream repository upstream = GithubHelper.getRepo(session, 'octocat/Spoon-Knife') # Look up fork fork = GithubHelper.getFork(user=user, upstream=upstream) """ for repo in user.get_repos(): if repo.fork and repo.parent.url == upstream.url: return repo if create: return user.create_fork(upstream) return None #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def getPullRequest(upstream, ref, user=None, fork=None, target=None): """Get pull request for the specified user's fork and ref. :param upstream: Upstream (target) repository of the requested pull request. :type upstream: :class:`github:github.Repository.Repository` :param user: Github user or organization which owns the requested pull request. :type user: :class:`github:github.NamedUser.NamedUser`, :class:`github:github.AuthenticatedUser.AuthenticatedUser`, :class:`github:github.Organization.Organization` or ``None`` :param ref: Branch name or git ref of the requested pull request. :type ref: :class:`basestring` :param fork: Downstream (fork) repository of the requested pull request. :type fork: :class:`github:github.Repository.Repository` or ``None`` :param target: Branch name or git ref of the requested pull request target. :type target: :class:`basestring` or ``None`` :return: The specified pull request, or ``None`` if no such pull request exists. :rtype: :class:`github:github.PullRequest.PullRequest` or ``None``. This function attempts to look up the pull request made by ``user`` for ``upstream`` to integrate the user's ``ref`` into upstream's ``target``: .. code-block:: python # Create session session = GithubHelper.logIn() # Get user and upstream repository user = session.get_user("jdoe") repo = GithubHelper.getRepo(session, 'octocat/Hello-World') # Look up request to merge 'my-branch' of any fork into 'master' pr = GithubHelper.getPullRequest(upstream=repo, user=user, ref='my-branch', target='master') If any of ``user``, ``fork`` or ``target`` are ``None``, those criteria are not considered when searching for a matching pull request. If multiple matching requests exist, the first matching request is returned. """ if user is not None: user = user.login for p in upstream.get_pulls(): # Check candidate request against specified criteria if p.head.ref != ref: continue if user is not None and p.head.user.login != user: continue if fork is not None and p.head.repo.url != fork.url: continue if target is not None and p.base.ref != target: continue # If we get here, we found a match return p # No match return None