Source code for SlicerWizard.CMakeParser

"""Symbolic manipulation of CMake scripts.

This module provides a set of classes to support symbolic parsing of CMake
script. The use of symbolic parsing, as opposed to regular expressions, frees
the user from needing to worry about syntactic context (is that really a
function, or is it inside of a string or comment?) and provides a representation
that is more suitable to direct manipulation.

In addition to the several token classes provided, :class:`.CMakeScript`
provides an interface for bidirectional translation between raw text and
tokenized representations.

Unlike other parsers, this module is not a "pretty formatter", but rather is
specifically designed to preserve the original formatting of a script in order
to be able to perform convert losslessly from raw to parsed form and back,
while still providing a parsed form that is easy to use and manipulate. Care
should be used, however, when creating or manipulating scripts, as there are
effectively no safeguards against producing a script that is syntactically

import os
import re
import string

[docs]class Token(object): """Base class for CMake script tokens. This is the base class for CMake script tokens. An occurrence of a token whose type is exactly :class:`.Token` (i.e. not a subclass thereof) is a syntactic error unless the token text is empty. .. attribute:: text The textual content of the token. .. attribute:: indent The whitespace (including newlines) which preceded the token. As the parser is strictly preserving of whitespace, note that this must be non-empty in many cases in order to produce a syntactically correct script. """ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, text, indent=""): self.text = text self.indent = indent #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __repr__(self): return "Token(text=%(text)r, indent=%(indent)r)" % self.__dict__ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __str__(self): return self.indent + self.text #=============================================================================
[docs]class String(Token): """String token. .. attribute:: text The textual content of the string. Note that escapes are not evaluated and will appear in their raw (escaped) form. .. attribute:: prefix The delimiter which starts this string. The delimiter may be empty, ``'"'``, or a lua-style long bracket (e.g. ``'[['``, ``'[===['``, etc.). .. attribute:: suffix The delimiter which ends this string, which shall match the :attr:`prefix`. String tokens appear as arguments to :class:`.Command`, as they are not valid outside of a command context. """ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, text, indent="", prefix="", suffix=""): text = super(String, self).__init__(text, indent) self.prefix = prefix self.suffix = suffix #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __repr__(self): return "String(prefix=%(prefix)r, suffix=%(suffix)r," \ " text=%(text)r, indent=%(indent)r)" % self.__dict__ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __str__(self): return self.indent + self.prefix + self.text + self.suffix #=============================================================================
[docs]class Comment(Token): """Comment token. .. attribute:: text The textual content of the comment. .. attribute:: prefix The delimiter which starts this comment: ``'#'``, optionally followed by a lua-style long bracket (e.g. ``'[['``, ``'[===['``, etc.). .. attribute:: suffix The delimiter which ends this comment: either empty, or a lua-style long bracket which shall match the long bracket in :attr:`prefix`. """ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, prefix, text, indent="", suffix=""): text = super(Comment, self).__init__(text, indent) self.prefix = prefix self.suffix = suffix #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __repr__(self): return "Comment(prefix=%(prefix)r, suffix=%(suffix)r," \ " text=%(text)r, indent=%(indent)r)" % self.__dict__ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __str__(self): return self.indent + self.prefix + self.text + self.suffix #=============================================================================
[docs]class Command(Token): """Command token. .. attribute:: text The name of the command. .. attribute:: prefix The delimiter which starts the command's argument list. This shall end with ``'('`` and may begin with whitespace if there is whitespace separating the command name from the '('. .. attribute:: suffix The delimiter which ends the command's argument list. This shall end with ``')'`` and may begin with whitespace if there is whitespace separating the last argument (or the opening '(' if there are no arguments) from the ')'. .. attribute:: arguments A :class:`list` of :class:`.String` tokens which comprise the arguments of the command. """ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, text, arguments=[], indent="", prefix="(", suffix=")"): text = super(Command, self).__init__(text, indent) self.prefix = prefix self.suffix = suffix self.arguments = arguments #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __repr__(self): return "Command(text=%(text)r, prefix=%(prefix)r," \ " suffix=%(suffix)r, arguments=%(arguments)r," \ " indent=%(indent)r)" % self.__dict__ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __str__(self): args = "".join([str(a) for a in self.arguments]) return self.indent + self.text + self.prefix + args + self.suffix #=============================================================================
[docs]class CMakeScript(object): """Tokenized representation of a CMake script. .. attribute:: tokens The :class:`list` of tokens which comprise the script. Manipulations of this list should be used to change the content of the script. """ _reWhitespace = re.compile(r"\s") _reCommand = re.compile(r"([" + string.letters + r"]\w*)(\s*\()") _reComment = re.compile(r"#(\[=*\[)?") _reQuote = re.compile("\"") _reBracketQuote = re.compile(r"\[=*\[") _reEscape = re.compile(r"\\[\\\"nrt$ ]") #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, content): """ :param content: Textual content of a CMake script. :type content: :class:`basestring` :raises: :exc:`~exceptions.SyntaxError` or :exc:`~exceptions.EOFError` if a parsing error occurs (i.e. if the input text is not syntactically valid). .. code-block:: python with fi = open('CMakeLists.txt'): script = CMakeParser.CMakeScript( with fo = open('', 'w'): fo.write(str(script)) """ self.tokens = [] self._content = content self._match = None while len(self._content): indent = self._chompSpace() # Consume comments if self._is(self._reComment): self.tokens.append(self._parseComment(self._match, indent)) # Consume commands elif self._is(self._reCommand): self.tokens.append(self._parseCommand(self._match, indent)) # Consume other tokens (pedantically, if we get here, the script is # malformed, except at EOF) else: m = n = m.start() if m is not None else len(self._content) self.tokens.append(Token(text=self._content[:n], indent=indent)) self._content = self._content[n:] #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __repr__(self): return repr(self.tokens) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __str__(self): return "".join([str(t) for t in self.tokens]) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _chomp(self): result = self._content[0] self._content = self._content[1:] return result #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _chompSpace(self): result = "" while len(self._content) and self._content[0].isspace(): result += self._content[0] self._content = self._content[1:] return result #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _chompString(self, end, escapes): result = "" while len(self._content): if escapes and self._is(self._reEscape): e = result += e self._content = self._content[len(e):] elif self._content.startswith(end): self._content = self._content[len(end):] return result else: result += self._chomp() raise EOFError("unexpected EOF while parsing string (expected %r)" % end) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _parseArgument(self, indent): text = "" while len(self._content): if self._is(self._reQuote) or self._is(self._reBracketQuote): prefix = self._content = self._content[len(prefix):] if prefix == "\"": suffix = prefix s = self._chompString(suffix, escapes=True) else: suffix = prefix.replace("[", "]") s = self._chompString(suffix, escapes=False) if not len(text): return String(prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix, text=s, indent=indent) text += prefix + s + suffix elif self._content[0].isspace(): break elif self._is(self._reEscape): e = text += e self._content = self._content[len(e):] elif self._content[0] == ")": break else: text += self._chomp() return String(text=text, indent=indent) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _parseComment(self, match, indent): b = e = "\n" if b is None else b.replace("[", "]") n = self._content.find(e) if n < 0: raise EOFError("unexpected EOF while parsing comment (expected %r" % e) i = match.end() suffix = e.strip() token = Comment(prefix=self._content[:i], suffix=suffix, text=self._content[i:n], indent=indent) self._content = self._content[n + len(suffix):] return token #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _parseCommand(self, match, indent): command = prefix = arguments = [] self._content = self._content[match.end():] while len(self._content): argIndent = self._chompSpace() if not len(self._content): break if self._content[0] == ")": self._content = self._content[1:] return Command(text=command, arguments=arguments, indent=indent, prefix=prefix, suffix=argIndent + ")") else: arguments.append(self._parseArgument(argIndent)) raise EOFError("unexpected EOF while parsing command (expected ')')") #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _is(self, regex): self._match = regex.match(self._content) return self._match is not None