Source code for slicer.cli

""" This module is a place holder for convenient functions allowing to interact with CLI."""

[docs]def createNode(cliModule, parameters = None): '''Creates a new vtkMRMLCommandLineModuleNode for a specific module, with optional parameters''' import slicer.util if not cliModule: return None cliLogic = cliModule.logic() if not cliLogic: print "Could not find logic for module '%s'" % return None node = cliLogic.CreateNodeInScene() setNodeParameters(node, parameters) return node
[docs]def setNodeParameters(node, parameters): '''Sets parameters for a vtkMRMLCommandLineModuleNode given a dictionary of (parameterName, parameterValue) pairs For vectors: provide a list, tuple or comma-separated string For enumerations, provide the single enumeration value For files and directories, provide a string For images, geometry, points and regions, provide a vtkMRMLNode ''' import slicer if not node: return None if not parameters: return None for key, value in parameters.iteritems(): if isinstance(value, basestring): node.SetParameterAsString(key, value) elif isinstance(value, bool): node.SetParameterAsBool(key, value) elif isinstance(value, int): node.SetParameterAsInt(key, value) elif isinstance(value, float): node.SetParameterAsDouble(key, value) elif isinstance(value, slicer.vtkMRMLNode): node.SetParameterAsNode(key, value) elif isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, tuple): commaSeparatedString = str(value) commaSeparatedString = commaSeparatedString[1:len(commaSeparatedString)-1] node.SetParameterAsString(key, commaSeparatedString) #TODO: file support else: print "parameter ", key, " has unsupported type ", value.__class__.__name__
[docs]def run(module, node = None, parameters = None, wait_for_completion = False, delete_temporary_files = True): '''Runs a CLI, optionally given a node with optional parameters, returning back the node (or the new one if created) node: existing parameter node (None by default) parameters: dictionary of parameters for cli (None by default) wait_for_completion: block if True (False by default) delete_temporary_files: remove temp files created during exectuion (True by default) ''' import slicer.util if node: setNodeParameters(node, parameters) else: node = createNode(module, parameters) if not node: return logic = module.logic() logic.SetDeleteTemporaryFiles(1 if delete_temporary_files else 0) if wait_for_completion: logic.ApplyAndWait(node) else: logic.Apply(node) #widget = slicer.util.getModuleGui(module) #if not widget: # print "Could not find widget representation for module" # return None #widget.setCurrentCommandLineModuleNode(node) #widget.apply() return node
[docs]def cancel(node): print "Not yet implemented"